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Even Angels Carry Knives Angels Are Real

Even Angels Carry Knives Angels Are Real:

Chapter 1 Angels could be considered little mean sometimes , after all, they are spiritual warriors. I figured this out when I was older. When I was young I thought, from the stories in Catholic school that all angels where ALL PURE LIGHT. I conceived all angels to be beautiful and dressed in white, with long golden hair, adorned with Flower crowns and soft smiles , calm eyes. I recited my angel prayer every night before bed, Guardian angel guardian dear, to whom gods’ love COMMITS me here, ever this night be at my side, to light, to guard, and rule and to guide. On my wall was the famous artistic rendition of the guardian angel, providing safe passage for two young kids across a small rickety wooden bridge, next to the water. This angel fits the typical description of the perfect beautiful angel. Not until I attended the Hebrew Academy Lubuvitch, and attended classes translating the Old Testament from Hebrew to English did I realize the hundreds of references to Angels of God. Many of the stories explained how they were fallen ones, that had disobeyed GOD in some way shape or form. Many mentions of them being more like spiritual warriors working next to GOD., soldiers of pure GODLIKE energy, which could be to INTENSE for the human Realm

The one that came to me , was scary. Repulsive dark and Cold. Astonishingly more like the spiritual Warriors I later learned about. This angel had a knife. It was really shiny and sharp looking. A Black Cloak, Huge Dark wings, of corse it was dark in my room at night, but Yes this was a dark angel, who said to me If you ever tell a lie I will Kill you! . Convincingly enough I was scared straight and headed down the straight and narrow path. I understand now later again, that fear tactics are the #1 used method for control of humans, period.

You can t expect that everything light in life is dressed that way, or that everything dark opposingly would then be dark looking as such. Quite contraire, many times the darkness leads us to the light and visa versa. The thing to remember is that this is your own UNIQUE trip, and to be stoked about it. Collect your health and happiness and conquer this virtual reality plane of existence, the whole spirit realm is at your assistance. Just as long as you believe in IT, there is nothing separating you from Magics’ Destiny of Abundance.

Simple message. Simple Truth, In case you didn't know. And with much love and with much respect. Below is a link to an article describing Angels on

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